Behind him lay a broken path-his footprints clearly visible in the concrete.
He laughed quietly to himself as he followed his original footprints still visible in the hard sand.
The rear door looked as sound as the front, and there were no visible footprints in the snow.
It's simply this: In their distilled state, the 60's were a visible footprint of a dream, a time and a place where everything was possible.
Their own footprints, fading but still visible, were there to guide them.
Phil pointed out the muddy footprints now visible in the red mud of the trails wandering in and out of the tree lines.
The footprints dimly visible in one of the paintings are his.
And its footprints, visible in daylight following a raid, were not those of any animal he knew.
Finally he found a narrow path with two sets of footprints still faintly visible in the packed mud and sand.
There were no footprints visible in the sandy earth anywhere near it-nothing at all but a broken pair of sunglasses, two coconuts, and a cigarette butt.