A fatty streak is the first grossly visible (visible to the naked eye) lesion in the development of atherosclerosis.
Even without visible lesions, however, you can shed the virus and infect your partner so use condoms 100% of the time.
Avoid contact with a partner's menstrual blood and with any visible genital lesions.
Avoid contact with a partner's bodily fluids and with any visible genital lesions.
Years of imperceptible injuries accumulate until they manifest as visible lesions, malignancies.
However, although praziquantel kills the egg-laying worms, lesions not yet visible may develop around ova already deposited in tissues.
An additional seven biopsies were taken from visible lesions.
Additionally, the absence of visible lesions or symptoms cannot be used to decide whether caution is needed.
A surgical procedure to remove a visible lesion on the skin in several steps.
DON is diagnosed from lesions visible in X-ray images of the bones.