In one speech against plans to relax laws that bar commercial activities on Sundays, Lord Jakobovits said, "The loss of the Sabbath will deprive Britain of the last visible vestige of national spirituality and sanctification."
In the West the source of disquiet has been over vestiges of Allied occupation, most visible in the huge foreign armies stationed on West German soil.
Since a wooden structure would not have survived from 1317 to 1884, the "scanty vestiges" visible must have been stone.
"This room is a visible vestige of a controlled, orderly and fair immigration system," she said.
It is also one of the last visible vestiges of commuter life, as it has been mythologized over the decades, and, in fact, used to be.
While welcoming the revenue that the presence of thousands of soldiers brings, they have doubts about American reliability and they desire to shed the most visible vestige of postwar dependence on the United States.
Fazello accordingly placed it near Capo d'Orlando, but admits that there were scarcely any vestiges visible there, and modern scholars continue to accept the identification.
The administration and the economy of those countries must be geared to reducing the alienation that has developed between the government and the people and to supporting the socially deprived; we cannot tolerate any visible vestiges of alienation and marginalisation.
Nothing remains of this original castle, and the only remaining visible vestiges are the donjon which now is the articulation point of the castle and the so-called tournament beam which is now placed above the fireplace in the knight room.
"It was one of the last and most visible vestiges I had seen of the end of an era in which teasing the boss was something like committing suicide," Mr. Shull recalled.