Harper, visibly frustrated after the game and usually accommodating to reporters, declined to answer questions tonight.
During parts of the season, Brady was visibly frustrated with the state of the offense.
She is visibly frustrated when the scale shows a two-pound gain.
Erdoğan seemed visibly frustrated as he said to the President of Israel, "When it comes to killing, you know well how to kill."
Montoya was visibly frustrated in the podium with this incident that, he admitted later, was totally his fault.
I explained as much to Ryshad and Shiv who were both visibly frustrated by now.
Although he was able to keep his emotions in check, Heath was visibly frustrated by Power's style of play.
Upon accepting the award, he was visibly frustrated by the orchestra's attempt to cut short his speech.
Palestinian negotiators spent a restless day here; several were visibly frustrated by the wait to hear if talks would resume.
Simmons was visibly frustrated by the negative media publicity he received as a result.