But that approach did not visibly weaken the bishops' authority, and as discontent with Sandinista rule spread, church attendance actually rose in many areas.
Later, during questioning, a visibly weakened Incanto admits to the lonely-hearts killings.
Her whole body below the shoulders was soaked in bright blood, and she was weakening visibly.
A day before his death, visibly weakened, he publicly endorsed Roberto Madrazo as the CTM candidate of choice for the 2006 presidential election.
It is noted though that these actions visibly weaken its functions as Microsoft Word may stop malfunctioning after the virus manipulates the computer's time.
As the round went on, a visibly weakened Tyson began throwing fewer and fewer punches while struggling mightily to land on most of his attempts.
Janeway watched in horrified fascination as the injured boys visibly weakened.
Samsonov, who suffered from asthma, was visibly weakening.
Meanwhile Mrs. Henchard was weakening visibly.
The mare weakened visibly and the gap between them closed, but only slowly.