The New American Academy is a new, innovative and visionary approach to education.
It is a pragmatic but visionary approach that led the country to establish itself as a main player of the world art market.
Kimera, with her four-octave range and visionary approach to art, has intrigued and fascinated many.
"You will find people with vast professional skills and great knowledge and administrative capacity with a visionary approach to public health," he said.
He recognises the conflict of visionary and objective approaches to design.
But as far as radical new ideas, the visionary approach would have been the blunt one: forget retirement planning.
What Yoshi lacked in size and designer clout, it more than made up with its visionary approach to fashion.
He served as mayor longer than any other, and was known for his fairness, good humor and visionary approach to improving his beloved city.
The music outdistances other political pop with both its urgency and its visionary approach to the dance floor.
Of course it is important to take a visionary approach.