Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
And there are other visioning projects that I will tell you more about later.
Knowledge of how to do strategic visioning was also seen as an area for learning.
Fortunately, the most recent visioning projects I have worked with are getting better at learning how to do this.
I remember the long visioning process you went through.
It will be about learning, visioning, transforming society and having fun as a faith family.
Background The air force has used strategic visioning as a tool since the 1980s.
Work on the policy framework and visioning exercise are proceeding.
Based on my experience, there are several essentials for an effective, successful visioning process.
Visioning and long-range planning cannot be done on the cheap.
This visioning of the dead is a common phenomenon.
Advocacy for special interest groups has changed to joint visioning and strategic planning.
I have had a visioning, and I wish to forget.
"I feel connected to the visioning process my grandfather experienced when he made this trip."
What is the difference between strategic planning and visioning?
Local concerns were brought into sharp relief during the visioning's walking tours.
Abstract This paper takes a philosophical look at educational visioning processes.
Strategic visioning is not unique to Canada’s air force.
The mechanism to mesh the conference output with action has to be a national visioning process.
Previous efforts at planning and visioning were not sustained.
Managers in one of those groups went further by saying that visioning should include the management of an employee’s life at work and career.
Foreseeing potential future directions for a corporation or company is sometimes called 'visioning'.
I realized I needed to switch from visioning to implementation.
Transformational change requires visioning a productive community and acting on this.
He says, "Desire is the engine that drives spontaneous visioning.
Facilitate visioning and business planning meetings with key personnel.