To the Editor: In the summer of 1993, I visited Budapest, Cracow and Prague for a month.
What to Do S ome people visit Budapest to pursue a special interest and happily spend their holiday in thermal pools amidst ancient Roman remains.
I have actually visited Budapest with my wife, and I enjoyed the trip thoroughly.
The Pope is already scheduled to visit Budapest in 1991.
Tourists visiting Budapest are provided with free maps and information about "points of interest" by BTDM at its info-points.
August Stradal, who visited Budapest in 1885 and 1886, took the same point of view.
It is popular not only with locals, but serves as an attraction for young people visiting Budapest.
In springtime they visited Budapest, the capitol of Hungary to take part in a festival commemorating the 50th anniversary of the EU.
This week, Mr. Gonzalez is to visit Budapest.
I know that she visited Budapest and expressed the same thoughts there.