In last few years, he has visited Chile but is still based in Europe.
The song takes the form of a conversation between a Chilean living abroad and a person who is going to visit Chile.
Friedman accepted the invitation of a private foundation to visit Chile and speak on principles of economic freedom.
Erdoğan became the first Turkish prime minister to visit Chile.
Rather, he urged prominent foreigners to visit Chile now as a possible deterrent to efforts to "steal this election.
A lot of people have asked me why I chose to visit Chile.
In 1782 he visited Chile and collected the plants indigenous to that country.
In 1966, while visiting Chile, he fell ill with an unknown viral infection and died shortly afterwards.
I am hoping to visit Chile with my partner for 2 weeks later this year.
Those who visit Chile, home to more than 17 million, find the country's people to be friendly, passionate, hospitable and hardworking.