Millions visit Czechoslovakia every year but only for two or three days at a time as services are poor.
She visited Czechoslovakia where she was able to see specialist schools in operation.
Five years later he visited Finland, Czechoslovakia and Russia.
Tzara also visited Czechoslovakia, where he reportedly hoped to gain adherents to his cause.
He had in fact visited Czechoslovakia three times as a teen-ager, but his March 1990 trip proved a revelation.
William Lobkowicz first visited Czechoslovakia in 1976 when he was 14.
At the age of sixteen, Kruspe and some friends visited Czechoslovakia, where he bought a guitar.
Mr. Bush is the first American President to visit Czechoslovakia while in office.
Applicants had to pay large sums (officially the cost of education) and after reconciliation were allowed to visit Communist Czechoslovakia with no obstacles.
These were deprived of Czechoslovak citizenship and prohibited from visiting Czechoslovakia.