I can't prove it, but I know he returned to Syracuse to visit Grandma a year later.
But the agent reminded me that lots of Brooklyn's West Indians go home to visit during the summer, or send their kids to the islands to visit Grandma.
Once, when Bobby Shaftoe was eight years old, he went to Tennessee to visit Grandma and Grandpa.
The youths were not, apparently, going to visit Grandma.
Tina said, "Is Beth still going to Germany to visit Grandma?"
Actually, we couldn't have spent that time watching television even if we'd wanted to, unless I was willing to go through the trouble of bothering the neighbors or traveling 30 miles to visit Grandma and Grandpa.
Sure, moving up to a vice presidency might be beyond your dreams, but when taking the family to visit Grandma, the simple outlay of a small fortune could move every last one of them up to a vice-president flight condition.
On another trip we went to visit Grandma, and stopped two towns away in Allenhurst to play on the sand.
Plus, it'll be a perfect reason to visit your Mom or Grandma.
I'd be ashamed to let our children run our life - more ashamed still to go hat in hand to some coach for permission to visit Grandma or to take a vacation.