A fourth ship, arrived in-theatre after hostilities ceased and visited Kuwait.
That action was in response to a reported assassination plot against former President George Bush while he was visiting Kuwait.
King Fahd of Saudi Arabia visited Kuwait on June 9 for the first time since the end of the Gulf war.
He visited Kuwait as Iraqi foreign minister in 1966 and 1967, he said.
Numerous American business representatives have visited Kuwait in search of contracts, but Mr. Schaefer is the only Governor to make the journey.
He also visited the UK and Kuwait as a member of a tablighee delegation in the early 1980s.
He will also visit Kuwait and Israel.
No foreign journalist was permitted to visit Kuwait from the Aug. 2 invasion until after the cease-fire.
Chedli Klibi visited Kuwait on July 20-21 for talks aimed at calming the rapidly escalating situation.
By the end of his visit he had met the owners of several Phoenix-based construction companies and a trade delegation is to visit Kuwait.