The Governors of Fort St. George and their families worshipped here as also the Viceroys when they visited Madras.
Prabhupada visited Madras in February 1972 and delivered lectures.
Mahatma Gandhi who visited Madras during the same time, gave his support to the agitation.
Irruptions have been noted from early times with Thomas C. Jerdon noting that they "periodically visiting Madras and other wooded towns in large flocks."
When the commission visited Madras on 3 February 1928, the police did not allow protests in some sensitive areas of Madras.
I strongly recommend The Pavilion as a bat buying destination to anyone visiting Madras.
During his travels and hunting expeditions, he visited Madras, Delhi and Nepal.
On his way he visited Istanbul, London and Madras.
In December 1874 he visited Madras, where he remained four months planning a system of drainage for that city.
St. Bede's played an active role in the week long celebrations and was privileged to welcome many bishops and other dignitaries visiting Madras on the occasion.