Madonna responded by releasing a statement saying she was saddened that Banda "has chosen to release lies about what we've accomplished, my intentions, how I personally conducted myself while visiting Malawi and other untruths.
Then a London tabloid reported that Prince Charles would carry his own blood supply - type "O" - with him when he visits Kenya, Malawi and Swaziland next month.
Misia began getting involved in fund-raising in 2002 and went on to visit Kenya, Mali, and Malawi, setting up the charity Child Africa.
In the last three months, President P. W. Botha has visited Mozambique, Malawi, Zaire and the Ivory Coast.
Foreign Minister Tom Thabane visited Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Swaziland and Malawi in August on a one-week southern African tour.
Founder and Director of Lake of Stars Will Jameson first visited Malawi in 1998 when he worked in Dwangwa as a volunteer with the Wildlife Society for six months.
The theme is likely to surface again in the next seven days as he visits Zambia, Malawi and Reunion, a French island in the Indian Ocean.
After visiting Malawi, Mr. Talbott's delegation will stop briefly in Zaire before going to Ghana and Ivory Coast.
International tourists visiting Malawi also go to the lake for recreation.
The best time to visit Malawi is during the dry season from May to mid-November.