Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has been the only senior official to visit Ukraine recently, and that was to get support for the Iraq war.
I have a possible opportunity to visit Ukraine, Poland, Russia, Estonia etc about 12 months from.
I visited Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Russia from 16 to 18 January.
Drašković visited Ukraine again in June 2005 and March 2006.
You should check ahead with your hotel/destination to learn more about options to accommodate disabled traveler needs before visiting Ukraine.
I am looking for 1 or more travel buddies to visit Ukraine in April 2012.
At least, until I went and visited Ukraine this month.
Voinovsky visited Ukraine in 2003 and was interviewed.
I sensed that very clearly when I visited Ukraine last week.
As if to underscore the denial, the Vatican announced that the 80 year-old pope would visit Ukraine in June.