The mayor visited a cafeteria and several classrooms, pausing to ask students what they were learning.
The system has evolved in recent years, and now most education schools require their students to visit classrooms as early as freshman year.
More than 50,000 business leaders currently serve as volunteers, visiting classrooms from the kindergarten level to grade 12.
This campaign had over 150 volunteers who visited classrooms to deliver financial literacy training.
Television frequently visits classrooms, of course, almost always finding problems.
I visit classrooms every day and go out to recess with them.
Artists and writers visited classrooms in more than 36 districts.
He demurred on her offer to visit local classrooms with the group's teachers, saying he had seen his share of schools.
The Regents spent up to 45 minutes per school, visiting classrooms and speaking with teachers.
Starting in the late 1980's, children's authors became celebrities on the school circuit, visiting classrooms regularly.