Frequent visits to Brookgreen Gardens during his youth influenced Letts' artistic development, experiencing in-depth the collection of American sculpture amidst its natural setting.
The Canadians call such visits "influence patrols," and the Americans call them "psy ops."
An early visit to the Louvre in Paris influenced her respect and commitment to her art.
Heinrich's repeated visits to the Rosenhaus influence his future life choices, including his eventual marriage.
A visit to Italy during his boyhood influenced his career choice.
Early visits to New York art galleries influenced his artist development, and his work was influenced by the abstract expressionism of Jackson Pollock and Franz Kline.
These visits to New Orleans greatly influenced Storm's musical tastes and his own drumming style.
These visits influenced him into believing the shift from Neanderthal to modern humans 40,000 to 35,000 years ago was sudden rather than gradual.
Hansen's frequent visits to Italy influenced his work, as evidenced in the numerous paintings from Naples and Pompei with their sunburnt landscapes and peasant life.
After Helm's death in 2012, Robertson, who was raised in Canada, described how visits to the Memphis, Tennessee area, around which Helm grew up, affected him and influenced his songwriting: