Accordingly, during 1976-1977 Kerr was again in Egypt, serving as 'visiting distinguished professor' at the American University in Cairo.
Benjamin Percy, visiting assistant professor, author (2004-2007)
During 1974-1975, Jerrold Levinson was visiting assistant professor at SUNY Albany.
Following that, he was visiting assistant professor of music at the University of Pittsburgh.
She was visiting assistant professor at the School of Theology and Ministry at Seattle University from September 2007 through June 2008.
Visiting in 1818, William MacGillivray, professor of Natural History at Aberdeen University wrote:
Between 1984 and 1986 he was visiting assistant professor of biology at the North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University.
In 1969-70 he was visiting associate professor at Stanford University and in 1975-76, a National Institute of Mental Health Special Fellow at Harvard.
He was visiting assistant professor in the University of Memphis.
In 2000-01, he was visiting assistant professor at the Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York, USA.