Board members or residents might also be persuaded to visit the laboratory and showrooms of a plumbing concern that does these installations.
Chrysler has displayed the new Pacifica station wagon outside the theater and invited patrons to visit local showrooms.
I can visit showrooms and test-drive cars.
Those prices put the Avalon head to head with some fancier metal, and shoppers may decide to visit other showrooms before reaching for their wallets.
Leaders at the various companies said they thought that a stronger economy would persuade consumers to visit showrooms.
Ideally, you should visit showrooms and listen to candidate speakers before purchasing.
Customers visiting showrooms did not buy; they expected the price they had seen advertised, and found cars costing hundreds or thousands more.
For no additional charge, many one-day decorators also arrange for clients to visit showrooms that normally deal exclusively with the trade.
With car shoppers browsing so often online, they are less likely to visit showrooms and fall under the spell of that new-car smell and gleam.
A more plausible story is that bicycle shoppers like to visit fancy showrooms with knowledgeable sales staffs but then buy from discounters.