An estimated 2.75 million people visited it, including a large number from abroad.
As of 2006, approximately 250,000 people visited the monument each year, including 40,000 children on school trips.
They visited the mother's relatives, including her grandmother and a family member who had recently been given custody of the girl.
Many water birds visit the lake to feed, including flamingos.
These birds visit small flowers, including those ignored by other species, and will also take tiny insects.
More than 200,000,000 people have visited the tower since its construction in 1889, including 6,719,200 in 2006.
We visited all the usual sights, including the United Nations.
Visit their contact page for information on other ways to reach them, including online chat and facsimile, please.
About 9,100,000 tourists visited Madurai in 2010, including 524,000 foreigners.
He visited many Asian and European countries including almost all of the communist nations.