At the 170,000-gallon Seal Pool, visitors awaited a show that featured the pool's eight harbor and grey seals.
When they returned to Chaumel's residence, another visitor awaited them.
The visitor in the next room was awaiting your arrival to see how well Talman carried matters through.
The visitor was evidently awaiting some comment from Edkins.
I strode to the door, and opened it for him, proclaiming before he stepped in, 'Lord Golden, a visitor awaits you.
Our visitor has arrived and is awaiting us in the Delgonian hall of question.
He had used this instrument to tap the door in the peculiar fashion that meant a welcome visitor awaited without.
This was the place where visitors and supplicants to the temple would have awaited admittance.
Rather than posting questions generally, visitors can choose an adviser likely to be suited to their problem, then send a query and await a callback.
"The visitor we have awaited," announced Ribold with a smile.