The stores - a pharmacy among them - are on the main street next to the thermal-spring bathhouse where visitors like to bathe after skiing.
There is a sacred temple-pond (Ambalakkulam) near to Sri Killikkurussi Mahadeva Temple, where pilgrims and visitors bathe.
In a drastic attempt to preserve the site, all the hotels have been demolished and visitors can no longer bathe in the pools; however, the f.
Bathing suits are allowed, although most visitors bathe in the nude.
The sea-bathing - which may rank as the most favoured daylight entertainment, inasmuch as the French visitors bathe all day long, and seldom appear to think of remaining less than an hour at a time in the water - is astoundingly cheap.
Larger onsen will have separate pools for men and women, and visitors normally bathe nude.
The ocean waters are mainly shallows, with several natural marine pools in which visitors can bathe without any danger.
In the late 15th century, Lady Margaret Beaufort had built a chapel overlooking the well, which now opens on to a pool where visitors may bathe.
Here in Naftalan, visitors can bathe once a day in the local crude.