Area farmers (and visitors) gather together to celebrate the harvest season.
A group campfire is established each evening after dinner where all the visitors gather and talk about their daily activities.
Wealthy merchants and visitors from abroad gathered here in the evenings.
Bonfires burn along the shoreline as residents and visitors gather to celebrate the beginning of summer.
By late morning, visitors had gathered in the passages between the nurses' station and the two rows of cubicles.
Today it is where residents and visitors alike gather.
At the sound of a bell, visitors gather for festivities in the gilded ballroom.
The artist envisions the project as a place where students and visitors can gather to relax, discuss ideas, or have an argument.
A visitor gathers that this is a skill she has put to good use, as a black woman in the board rooms of white men.
Every Tuesday locals and visitors gather around the central business district for shopping at the Plaza.