The visitors reported the number of professed religious persons continuing in each house.
Subsequent visitors reported seeing the flag flying from places of honor.
Other visitors report a feeling of humility when they see how well this forest survived.
Many visitors report stories of ghosts or unusual behavior while in the house.
Four teenagers were charged after visitors reported an incident to zoo staff.
From 600 to 800 visitors report such thefts to the airport police every year.
The film says that two earlier visitors on the day of the fire reported seeing a chained exit door, but were not called as witnesses.
The area is well known for sightseeing, with approximately 100,000 visitors on Sundays reported in 2000.
This was disappointing considering the 100-foot visibility that other visitors have reported during the same season.
Early visitors commonly reported that much of the island was heavily wooded, which is not the case today.