All other visitors (i.e. non-residents) who lose their travel documents, or have them stolen, whilst in Macao must first report to a police station.
There have been a small number of incidents involving drinks being spiked and visitors having their valuables stolen whilst intoxicated.
But before they are able to share it, a new visitor, The Winkster, steals the bag and runs away with it.
He watched the wiry visitor steal past a darkened doorway that led directly to Mocker's own room.
The tourists themselves would also be quite a nuisance, and uncouth visitors would steal items from the house as souvenirs, or help themselves to fruit from the orchards.
On 28 October 1985, during daylight hours, five masked gunmen with pistols threatening security and visitors entered the museum and stole nine paintings from the collection.
Last July 4, a visitor stole the marijuana jar.
"The visitor steals Pierrot!"
Sit at the desk and make sure that visitors don't steal the furniture or go behind the magic door unescorted.
The visitors committed 39 turnovers and the Huskies had 25 steals, a team record.