Seating himself in the pilot's chair, Hawk shut down the visual and audio alarms to help himself concentrate.
The system generates audible and/or visual alarms when the vessel is in proximity to navigational hazards.
Any variation will generate both an audio and visual alarm at Grid Control.
A problem on any line sets off visual and audible alarms in their control rooms.
For emergencies, there are both visual and audible alarms to warn of malfunctions.
It issues a visual and audible alarm to alert the driver if he or she is too drowsy to continue driving safely.
Various voice and visual alarms were screaming for his attention.
Both audible and visual alarms are required when emergency warning systems are provided.
In case they fall overboard, a unit on the ship logs the position and initiates an audio and visual alarm.
They may be programmable to generate audible and visual alarms for conditions such as a potential collision, deviating significantly from the planned course, etc.