Eliot's travel diaries provide one of the best visual assessments of European landscapes in the late 19th century.
Rather they are subjective visual assessments of whether or not the features in the prints appear "consistent."
He leaned closer to the car; Jason could see him doing a quick visual assessment.
Nippon Kogaku said that the program was written after the visual assessment of nearly 100,000 photographs.
At endoscopy a visual assessment of injury was made.
A police officer made a visual assessment before guiding fans to other pens.
Home monitoring is now possible using test strips either in conjunction with a meter or simply using visual assessment.
I froze, glancing up automatically, as though I might make a visual assessment of how far the sound had carried.
He dropped Kerri's hands and approached the child, doing a quick, visual assessment.
An energy inspection of your air conditioning system involves a visual assessment by an accredited assessor.