We must find a way to deal with the crush of homes and the corresponding visual blight blanketing Long Island.
Sidewalk ads are not merely a visual blight; they could also be dangerous.
In addition to the ownership incentive, a strict set of covenants is intended to prevent deterioration and visual blight.
Though they fly under the banner of the First Amendment, these boxes are a visual blight, and sometimes a safety hazard.
Concerned about what they consider visual blight and rampant commercialism, a growing number of local governments are clamping down on billboards.
But for many residents, the issue comes down to visual blight and public safety.
In the last few years, people have started to fight for measures that will at least reduce the visual blight.
"Sprawl is affecting people much more directly, in terms of air quality, visual blight, all these manifestations," he said in an interview.
She refused to use campaign signs, describing them as environmentally wasteful and a visual blight on the neighbourhood.
So many zoning boards and prospective residents say they are eyesores that contribute to visual blight.