They hold that such exercises are useful in improving a wide range of visual conditions, including focusing problems.
Aircraft are then cleared to climb unrestricted in visual conditions.
The 500-foot restriction is lifted after 7 nmi if the climb can be continued in visual conditions.
Comments on visual condition, the home inspectors say, were all they ever included in their reports.
The drones are used to a maximum distance of 2.5 km under visual conditions as targets.
Each room is given a different visual condition.
'Four thousand meters effective range, best used under visual conditions, either natural or amplified.'
On top of this, automobiles must be presented in flawless visual condition, as with other Concours-grade cars.
Adaptation to altered support and visual conditions during stance: patients with vestibular deficits.
Co-operation between educational and medical services can minimise potential neglect of visual conditions in children.