And the film's visual extravagance and candy-colored palette do more than showcase her youthful frivolity.
And if it's not the same spectacle that's coming to Broadway late this fall, so what -word is that it has plenty of its own brand of visual extravagance.
On top of the visual extravagance, Caroliner has somehow forged an original musical style.
"Duck Tales" does not have the visual extravagance of a major Disney film like "The Little Mermaid," but it does have cuddlier characters.
Their hallmark was simplicity, a reaction against the visual extravagance that dominated the theater in the 1920's and 30's.
And the film's visual extravagance somehow conveys its heroine's loneliness as well as the sheer fun of aristocratic life.
They offer a new version of Mr. Fuss's strength: breathtaking visual extravagance born of a combination of pure chance and superb control (Smith).
But it was also funny and silly - obviously he meant us to laugh - and in its visual extravagance, it had its own strange glamour.
Despite Judd's description of his furniture as "visible reasonableness," piece after piece seems marked by a combination of visual extravagance and impracticality of design.
That was the 1970s movement that officially turned craft, long associated with "women's work" and non-Western cultures, into art, and elevated visual extravagance.