Scores are visual maps of what the composer wants people to hear.
Then they made the visual geological map of 1:25000 scale of the object, and passed several pits and trenches.
For decades, computer researchers have experimented with the idea of displaying textual information in visual maps, but the concept has been slow to find practical applications.
We provide a step-by-step visual map to guide you through the user-centered design process.
This can provide a visual "map" of the treatment and how much of it he or she has accomplished.
A calendar or planner can provide your child with a visual "map" of the treatment and how much of it he or she has accomplished.
Haldeman references real-world places to create a visual map for reader to situate the plot.
By quickly processing digital satellite image data, the researchers at the university were able to support rescuers with detailed visual maps.
This, too, has become a reference point in the visual map of the city, yet in a very different way from the Shard.
The Visualizer can work with either real data, typically gathered by other network-analysis tools, or hypothetical information, to draw visual maps of the network.