But again you detect a gap between the amazing visual sophistication of the place and the barely literate conversation.
No wonder that the giant ship at the opening of "Star Wars" seemed like a hyperspace leap forward in visual sophistication.
However, if its visual sophistication is slight, it has other charms.
In a newly sweeping, generous style, and with ever more striking visual sophistication, Mr. Almodovar created a group of fabulously resilient feminine types.
The picture has a crazy visual sophistication, as the photographer himself intended.
Together they give this film a spare visual sophistication that is of much more interest than its heroine, played with much spunk by Hatty Jones.
The film's sleek moodiness and visual sophistication are so effective that there's even a scene here that makes Detroit look like the most romantic city in the world.
Mr. Malick sentimentalizes these laborers in ways that would seem naive if the film's visual sophistication were not so phenomenal.
Yet Mr. Gilliam's overpowering visual sophistication is in evidence here; there's so much going on that you're not sure where to look.
His peers often praise Mr. Castellanos for the visual and audio sophistication of his advertisements.