If the degree of adaptation between visual tasks is too great, eye strain, fatigue and stress result.
Because he could not achieve normal binocular vision, his brain automatically switched to one eye for many visual tasks.
For example, the left side specializes in language while the right side is good at visual and spatial tasks.
Symptoms often occur after reading, computer work, or other close activities that involve tedious visual tasks.
These are regions on both sides of the brain that carry out visual and spatial tasks.
Well-rested students tested two days to a week after training could do the visual task even faster.
In day-to-day activities a child will usually have no problems with mobility, but reading and fine visual tasks may prove to be very difficult.
Attention process training consists of visual and auditory tasks that have been shown to improve attention.
Now, he says, they understand that she is better at visual tasks, and he tries harder to compensate.
Humans solve visual tasks and can give fast response to the environment by extracting perceptual information from what they see.