Subsequent editions of the game greatly improved, visually speaking.
Visually speaking, there's not a lot to it.
Visually speaking, I'm less drawn to Nimbuzz, which has a twelve-story government building sort of look.
Indeed, Be is perhaps most famous, visually speaking, for it's funky window decor.
"Visually speaking, Rebecca and I can practically finish each other sentences," she says.
"Each owner has, visually speaking, surrendered a part and received back a beautiful whole," he wrote.
All of this makes the show not cynical but layered, sociologically and visually speaking.
It can undo us any time, a fact that is best conveyed, visually speaking, coolly.
The secret of the linear translight space drive was completely in his hands, visually speaking.
The spacing of the letters on features also gives a more appealing map--visually speaking.