Humanitarian agencies present in the area worked together to bring vital goods to the area.
Food, fuel, leather and other vital goods were slowly bled from the country.
The informal market provided vital goods and services that sustained Vietnam during its bleak years between 1975 to 1986.
Individual workshops and dwarves can bind together with infrastructure and local resources to produce necessary and vital goods as parts of industries.
What the English bought were goods vital to their navy: tall timber for ship masts and hemp for rope.
Healthy ecosystems provide vital goods and services to humans and other organisms.
With the decline of the fur trade, the company evolved into a mercantile business selling vital goods to settlers in the Canadian West.
The framers, however, did not elevate acquisition of even the most vital goods and services to the status of rights.
First, we need to encourage distributed and decentralized production of vital goods like energy and food.
Speculation on our most vital goods is unethical and we must take stronger action in this regard.