In the culture of now, no one has time to wait for vitamin capsules to break down and start working.
"They're like flying vitamin capsules," said Peter Edwards, 49, a traditionalist and positivist.
"Vitamins are exactly what they need, and what you two need, as well-from now on, each one of you must take a daily vitamin capsule."
They also say there are other ways of providing vitamin A, like vitamin capsules or unpolished rice.
He invented a synthetic chicle and introduced vitamin capsules to grocery stores.
A limousine as sleek and potent as a vitamin capsule stopped in front of the building.
He pulled out a swab and a tiny, ceramic capsule, the size of a vitamin capsule.
He had to transfer the vitamin capsules by hand to smaller bottles that did.
"Five hundred vitamin capsules, all over the floor."
I will gobble vitamin capsules by the kilogram.