It's sad to read vitriolic comments and name-calling.
Familiar Turnover What should not get lost amid the vitriolic comments was Torrence's achievement.
Here we go, the usual vitriolic comments from people who most probably can't lift a racket or have no sense of perspective.
The gesture turned sour when Pantani denied that Armstrong had let him win, adding some vitriolic comments about Armstrong's talent.
It aroused vitriolic comments from Nigerian officials and the Nigerian media alike.
Grow up and keep your vitriolic comments to yourselves!
"He has fired some of his most vitriolic comments at his countrymen, including the minister of foreign affairs, Hubert Vedrine," the diplomat said.
Looking at some of the vitriolic comments on here I think it will take a generation to quell people's justifiable anger towards the banks; and that is entirely understandable.
In a 2005 Washington Post interview, Jones dodged political questions and even admitted that he was embarrassed by "some of the more vitriolic comments" made by his predecessors.
Yesterday I read numerous vitriolic comments blaming Margaret Thatcher for closing coal mines and destroying communities dependent on coal.