Andras Melish, a middle-aged importer, and his vivacious but bossy young wife, Nina.
His sexually-frustrated, vivacious wife Adele (Ann Summers) involves herself with community civic meetings to do 'something' for the community.
One version involves Frances Simpson, the Governor's vivacious wife, twenty-six years younger than a husband who spent most of his time away on inspection tours.
As she had gotten to know the couple, she had learned that Joseph had a wicked, quiet wit, and that he was the perfect counterpart for his vivacious wife.
Barak and his vivacious wife, Nava, quickly became friends whose company I enjoyed and whose commitment to peace I admired.
Feted as a genius at twenty-one, wined and dined for his striking originality, the world his oyster and a nice vivacious wife to boot.
Edwin, introspective and a bit dull, is suspicious when his vivacious wife, Gloria, sets off for yet another afternoon tea.
Mr. Woods played a far greater role than many of the patrons greeted by his vivacious wife realized.
Sir Richard Huntlove is an elderly aristocrat who is jealous of his beautiful and vivacious young wife.
The doctor has contempt for his daughter and her shyness, fueled by the fact that his vivacious wife died giving birth to her.