Along its sides - carved in vivid relief - long columns of knights walked symbolically across the bubbling streams.
He began to show them close up views of different areas, all in vivid relief and supplemented by an outline overlay of the modern landfonn.
This conflict was brought into vivid relief for me in 1968.
It brought into vivid relief the Europeans' nightmare of a nuclear battle fought on their territory rather than directly between the superpowers.
White light glared for a moment across the sunny meadow, outlining the trees in vivid relief.
Besides, there was a relief, vivid as hunger pangs, at being away from Tony.
About halfway up the forearm was a curious brown design, a triangle inside a circle, standing out in vivid relief upon the lard-coloured skin.
Vermuden popped out into the clean vacuum of normal space, mind radiating vivid relief.
As she began to understand more, the life of the clan sprang into vivid relief.
The imminent war in Iraq sets Steiner and Mary's idleness into vivid relief.