Unfortunately, the law isn't being followed, as was vividly documented in a new study by two civil rights groups, the Brennan Center for Justice, and Demos.
The year's events are vividly documented in the Bedside Guardian 2011, our Book of the Month for November.
To Egypt, where grapevines would not grow, the 8th-century Phoenicians sold wine: the wine trade with Egypt is vividly documented by the shipwrecks located in 1997 in the open sea 30 miles west of Ascalon; pottery kilns at Tyre and Sarepta produced the big terracotta jars used for transporting wine.
The comic battering-ram elan of the Damned is vividly documented on their "Peel Sessions" EP (DEI 8407), recorded in late 1976 and mid-1977.
The current festival, without glossing over Mengelberg's wartime misdeeds, vividly documented through various publications, exhibits and discussions his accomplishments as the great Mahler advocate of the first half of the century.
This occupation as a journalist served as a medium that allowed Pezoa Véliz to get close - albeit, as reporter - to the workings and customs of the offices of nitrate mines of the north of Chile, which was vividly documented in his short story: El taita de la oficina.
Boston's busing wars were vividly documented by J. Anthony Lukas in his epic book, "Common Ground."