The battle of Anegawa is vividly presented in the books compiled in the middle or the end of the Edo period.
Ms. Prost, Mr. Greene and Judge Taylor would not comment for publication on the case, but their stands are vividly presented in the legal documents.
Although the picture he gives is over-simplified it is thought out clearly and could scarcely be presented more lucidly or vividly.
Toronto Star "Able plotter and smooth stylist that he is, Robinson is above all a gifted creator of fully fleshed and vividly presented characters."
The contrast is presented vividly through appearance and style.
His association with Thumba and Satellite Launch Vehicle and related projects are vividly presented in the section 'Creation'.
Dynamic contrast is vividly presented, along with the characteristic timbres of wind, string and percussion instruments and sounds at the high and low extremes of the frequency range.
He was easily set on edge, however, by didactic writing; and held that books should teach no other lesson but what 'real life would teach, were it as vividly presented.'
But however one interprets the evidence Montefiore has so assiduously collected and vividly presented, no future biography of Stalin will be able to ignore this intimate portrait.
The benefits, including economic stimulation and enhancement of advertising are still vividly presented in the industry today via a new way of fashion illustration, fashion photography.