A perinate is a member of a viviparous species from approximately one month before, to one month after, birth.
This is the only living reptile group which has both viviparous and ovoviviparous species, as well as the usual oviparous reptiles.
It is a viviparous species that produces up to 10 live young per female.
Squamates are represented by viviparous, ovoviviparous, and oviparous species.
An aplacental viviparous species, females bear litters of 7-25 pups every other year.
The females of many viviparous species develop a placenta with which to provide the growing embryo with nutrients.
The group includes both egg-laying and viviparous species, with the latter being more common in species living at high elevations.
This is a viviparous species.
It is a viviparous species and gives birth to live young.
The group includes both egg-laying and viviparous species.