Inevitably, Ms. Mullally ran up against her own vocal limitations.
He further said that "it showcases her strengths, but also still highlights her delicate vocal limitations.
I remember the therapist saying: "People don't appreciate how much distress can be caused by vocal limitations, particularly by someone who has got a big mouth."
He cannot speak, having the same vocal limitations as the Clan, but he also has their ancestral memories.
The cast's vocal limitations turned their ensemble numbers into perilous exercises in trying to find a blend.
Brown's vocal limitations prompted him to take singing lessons for three weeks.
But his attempt to transcend his vocal limitations also called attention to them.
Vile has obvious vocal limitation, but writing songs around them is what makes the music so special.
And in doing so, she is able to make the vocal limitations of her gravelly contralto work for her.
And while vocal limitations - whether of range, volume or flexibility - are easy to quantify, imagination cannot be quantified at all.