The deterioration was not affecting her vocal muscles nor, thank God, her brain.
The vocal muscle is the upper portion of the thyroarytenoid muscle which is primarily involved in producing speech.
Does the Four Tops' Levi Stubbs still have his vocal muscle?
She begins missing her mouth when she is trying to eat, grows increasingly dizzy, has double vision, and loses control over her vocal muscles.
Exercises can strengthen the vocal muscles.
While studying voice anatomy, Catona discovered that vocal muscles have tremendous capacity for growth and development.
Several functional subunits (like vocal muscles and brain areals) are needed to produce the echolocating system.
Like others storks, it lacks vocal muscles and produces sound mainly by bill-clattering, although low grunting, mooing or roaring sounds are made especially when nesting.
Gently stretch the vocal muscles for 5 to 10 minutes by singing scales, for example.
In females during puberty, the vocal muscle thickens slightly, but remains very supple and narrow.