Virtually all the compositions, made up of a few vocal riffs, a bass ostinato, a horn line or two, evolved into complicated, improvised compositions.
The song contains haunting backing vocals and an accompanying tambourine with the two rappers trading verses with the vocal riff playing over them.
Many of her songs weren't really songs at all, but simple vocal riffs, repeated and refracted to echo the manipulated loops that create digital rhythm.
I think I owe a lot about my look, my image on stage, and my vocal riffs to John Hammond.
The song ends in a spooky, hoarse vocal riff delivered by Vernon, reminiscent of the track "Thriller".
An extended vocal riff, described as "scatchy" closes the track.
One of the main vocal riffs uses the traditional cowbell rhythm often found in samba music.
Complex arrangements and elaborate, melismatic vocal riffs were avoided.
After a few minutes, things took an odd, joyful turn: everything stopped, and three backup singers joined Mr. Albarn on a wordless vocal riff.
Complex arrangements and elaborate, melismatic vocal riffs were avoided by Motown musicians.