In 2001 while visiting Zimbabwee, Kilgour was vocally critical of Mugabe's farm-invasions policy and pushed for increasing international pressure.
Following 9-11, Spiegelman became vocally critical of the Bush administration, as well as what he saw as complicity on the part of the mass media.
Thierry Benoit, one of the four MPs, has been vocally critical of the party, but he actually sits for the MoDem and defends the movement's policies.
His challenger was Douglas Drysdale, who was vocally critical of Donaldson's leadership.
Bennet Kelley, an internet lawyer whom Balsam has faced in court, has been vocally critical of Balsam's tactics.
Several political and intellectual figures vocally critical of Syrian interference in Lebanese politics, including Samir Kassir, George Hawi, and Gebran Tueni were killed.
Educated Nigerians were vocally critical of Yaba College.
He has been vocally critical of the leadership of the majority Democratic Progressive Party, accusing them of "raping the country".
Although Nakajima was forced to join the Taisei Yokusankai, he was vocally critical of the new political organization.
He was vocally critical of the ruling ANC's decision to disband the amalgamated Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences units in 2006.