In the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, Sumner began authoring a blog where he vocally criticized the view that the United States economy was stuck in a liquidity trap.
Merely to explain why the people SPLD/AntonChernov are so vocally criticising are wrong.
After Europe and the U.S. began to vocally criticize the persecution, the Japanese government realized that it needed to lift the ban in order to attain its interests.
He started to vocally criticize Russian authorities for their anti-democratic drift and declared his intention to take part in the presidential elections in 2008 to change the general political course of the country.
Plater vocally criticized that decision, refused to follow orders and instead decided to try to break through to Warsaw and continue the struggle.
On 28 February 2009, Bahmani vocally criticized other financial institutions for the large injections into their currency supplies to fight the global economic recession.
Two more commons were expelled shortly thereafter for vocally criticising the decision.
Host Bill Maher, while offering support to writers, vocally criticized the movement as the wrong time to carry out such a strike.
For strictly political purposes, and to show support for the hostages, Soviet diplomats at the United Nations vocally criticized the taking of the hostages.
Of an outspoken nature, he lost his first team place after vocally criticizing manager Gordon Lee in the dressing room.