It's interesting that Mr. Stella, onetime darling of formalist critics, should find his most vociferous defender in a literature professor.
Venezuela has also become the most vociferous defender of Iran's nuclear program at a time when Iran feels increasingly isolated.
Madrid had been billed as the summit meeting where Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, the most vociferous defender of national sovereignty, would be decisively isolated.
The most vociferous defender of democracy in Hong Kong is Emily Lau.
The new democratic governments in Eastern Europe have been among the radios' most vociferous defenders.
With Cicero's death the Roman Republic lost its most vociferous defender and soon fell under the autocratic rule of a series of emperors.
He is a whirlwind of emotion, a direct, passionate, vociferous defender of his son's rights and protector of his back.
Gunn's most vociferous defender was his own father.
"But it has demonstrated that Brazil is still alive," said Carlos Geraldo Langoni, a former central bank president and vociferous defender of debt swaps.
But seeing animals suffer has made him a vociferous defender.