But in this case, the school has had the added burden of a vociferous and savvy opposition.
However, following vociferous opposition from the other parties and the Army, Sukarno was forced to back down.
But several have never gotten off the ground due to vociferous local opposition.
But when state education officials proposed an overhaul of the student testing system, they ran into vociferous opposition from teachers, administrators and parents.
The most vociferous opposition is aimed at genetically engineered plants and animals.
The project to automate Philippine elections had been met with vociferous opposition from its beginning.
"These law students are facing large law firms and actually representing clients against what can often be very vociferous opposition."
By far, however, the most vociferous opposition to Syrian military action has come from France.
The proposal appears to have momentum, despite vociferous opposition from Internet users.
Those problems are minor compared to the vociferous opposition to the film from conservative Christian groups.