At intervals the voice of the fog horn, deep and sonorous, claimed for a moment the sole attention of every one aboard.
After all, that whispery voice had claimed to be him, and if it was opening doors all over the house, it could have opened his, too.
Four different voices claimed that si fu killed them and each of them swore they would kill him.
Who is this voice claiming to speak for all Islamic nations?
A male voice, claimed to have seen wiring, and something that was wrapped up in small blocks, when he looked in the window.
The voice from the mirrored booth claimed ignorance.
But even today you still hear voices claiming that those innumerable victims were justified for some higher national purpose.
All the concern, all the publicity, the revisionist voices are now claiming, was about Islamic terrorists.
The smooth-talking voice on the other end of the line claims to need information to "confirm" your phone book listing.
"I was checking you were all right," Zahag's guttural voice claimed.